“Three-piece harmonies and oozing synths, with some pop thrown in, plunge the listener into introspection and pools of color—deep greens float behind your eyelids, brushes of gray and blue. Listening to The Cabin Project is a kinesthetic and emotional sojourn but also one that begs a keen ear." - Svea Conrad (Arizona Daily Sun)

A set of two EPs entitled "What I Heard When I Listened | What I Said when I Spoke”. It is more than a nod to the last two and a half years, but more so a dive into transformation. At a time when many worlds were turned upside down, these albums narrate the reflection, revelations, joys and struggles of what grows from the opportunity to start again. The break from touring and playing live allowed the group an opportunity to reflect on our creative process as well the critical role of music and expression at this moment in time. The songs that emerged speak to a time of intensive listening and discovery. To help support this process, the band also ensured our communities were a part of each step of the process; the project was entirely written, recorded, mixed and mastered by queer, women, and/or non-binary artists. The Cabin Project released “What I Heard When I Listened | What I Said When I Spoke” on November 18th, 2022 at the Old Church in Portland, OR.